
how to make crystal snow ball snowballs

by:Ennas      2023-11-18


1. Introduction to Crystal Snowball Snowballs

2. Materials and Tools Required for Making Crystal Snowball Snowballs

3. Step-by-Step Guide on Making Crystal Snowball Snowballs

4. Tips and Tricks for Achieving Perfect Crystal Snowball Snowballs

5. Decorating and Displaying Your Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Introduction to Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Winter brings with it a sense of magic and wonder, and one of the most iconic symbols of the season is the snowball. While snowballs are traditionally made from packing together snow, have you ever wondered how you could create a snowball that sparkles with the beauty of crystals? In this article, we will guide you through the process of making your very own crystal snowball snowballs. Whether you plan to use them as decorations or as unique gifts, these crystal snowballs are guaranteed to add a touch of elegance and enchantment to your winter wonderland.

Materials and Tools Required for Making Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Before we begin crafting our crystal snowball snowballs, let's gather all the materials and tools we need:

- Epsom salt

- Clear plastic or glass balls (available at craft stores)

- Distilled water

- Glitter (optional)

- Ribbon or string

- Medium-sized bowl

- Spoon or stirring stick

- Funnel

- Tissue or cloth

Step-by-Step Guide on Making Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Now that we have everything we need, let's dive into the step-by-step process of making crystal snowball snowballs:

Step 1: Prepare the Epsom Salt Solution

In a medium-sized bowl, mix together one cup of Epsom salt and one cup of distilled water. Stir well until the salt is completely dissolved. Optionally, you can sprinkle in some glitter to add an extra sparkle to your crystals.

Step 2: Fill the Plastic or Glass Balls

Using a funnel, carefully pour the Epsom salt solution into the plastic or glass balls. Fill them up entirely, leaving a small space at the top for expansion.

Step 3: Secure and Rotate the Balls

Once the balls are filled, seal them tightly with their respective caps or lids. Gently rotate the balls to ensure the salt solution spreads evenly and coats the insides entirely.

Step 4: Allow the Crystals to Grow

Find a safe and undisturbed spot for your crystal snowball snowballs to rest. Place them upright and let them sit for at least 24 hours. During this time, the Epsom salt crystals will begin to grow and adhere to the inner surface of the balls.

Step 5: Remove Excess Solution and Dry the Balls

After the crystals have had enough time to form, carefully remove the caps or lids from the balls. Empty any excess solution back into the bowl. Use a tissue or cloth to dry the outer surface of the balls while being cautious not to disturb the crystals inside.

Tips and Tricks for Achieving Perfect Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Here are some tips and tricks to help you create the most beautiful crystal snowball snowballs:

1. Use distilled water: Using distilled water helps prevent impurities that might interfere with crystal growth, resulting in clearer and more sparkly snowballs.

2. Experiment with different types of glitter: While traditional snow is white, feel free to play with various glitter colors to create a more personalized snowball.

3. Adjust salt concentration: If you desire larger, more defined crystals, you can increase the amount of Epsom salt in the solution. Conversely, if you prefer smaller crystals, reduce the amount of salt.

4. Avoid touching the crystals: Crystals are delicate, so it's best to avoid touching them with your bare hands. This prevents the transfer of oils or moisture that could disrupt the crystal structure.

5. Store in a cool and dry place: To preserve the crystals' integrity, keep your finished snowball snowballs in a cool and dry area, away from direct sunlight and excessive moisture.

Decorating and Displaying Your Crystal Snowball Snowballs

Now that your crystal snowball snowballs are ready, it's time to showcase them:

- Attach a ribbon or string: Tie a ribbon or string around the top of each snowball, allowing them to be hung or displayed wherever you desire.

- Create a winter centerpiece: Arrange your crystal snowball snowballs in a bowl or on a decorative tray, surrounded by other winter-themed ornaments, pinecones, or evergreen branches.

- Hang them from a chandelier or light fixture: Add a touch of elegance to your home by hanging the snowballs from a chandelier, light fixture, or curtain rod.


With a few simple materials and some patience, you can create stunning crystal snowball snowballs that capture the magic of winter. These exquisite decorations will bring sparkle and joy to your surroundings, making them perfect for festive celebrations, seasonal gatherings, or as cherished gifts for loved ones. So, embrace your creativity and enjoy the process of making your very own crystal snowball snowballs!

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