
how to make a crystal ball paper mache

by:Ennas      2023-11-23

How to Make a Crystal Ball Paper Mache


If you have always been fascinated by the mystical allure of crystal balls and want to bring a touch of magic into your home, why not try making your own crystal ball paper mache? Creating your own crystal ball may sound complex, but with a bit of patience and creativity, you can achieve stunning results. Paper mache, a versatile craft technique, offers the perfect medium for crafting a unique crystal ball that will mesmerize your friends and family. In this article, we will guide you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you have all the necessary information to create an enchanting crystal ball.

Materials needed:

- Balloon

- Newspapers

- White glue

- Water

- Mixing bowl

- Paintbrushes

- Acrylic paints

- Varnish

- Paper towel

Preparing the Base

The first step in creating your crystal ball paper mache is to prepare the base. This will serve as the foundation for your craft and determine the shape and size of the crystal ball. To start, inflate a balloon to your desired size. Keep in mind that the balloon should be large enough to resemble a crystal ball but also manageable for crafting purposes.

Once you have inflated the balloon, tear newspapers into strips of about 1 inch in width. You will need a significant amount of strips, so it's better to have more than you think you might need. Set them aside for later.

Creating the Paper Mache Paste

To create the paper mache paste, mix equal parts of white glue and water in a mixing bowl. Stir the mixture thoroughly until it reaches a smooth consistency. The glue acts as the adhesive, while the water helps thin it out, making it easier to work with.

Applying the Paper Mache

Now it's time to apply the paper mache onto the inflated balloon. Dip one strip of newspaper into the paste, ensuring it is fully coated. Gently remove the excess paste by running the strip through two fingers. This allows for a more even application.

Start layering the coated strips onto the balloon, avoiding the knot area. Overlap each strip slightly to ensure a solid bond between them. Continue this process until the entire balloon is covered, leaving a small opening at the top for later removal.

Reinforcing the Crystal Ball

To strengthen your crystal ball paper mache, apply additional layers of paper mache. This will enhance the durability of your craft and make it more resilient. Apply at least two to three additional layers, ensuring each layer is completely dry before proceeding with the next.

Adding Details and Texture

Once your crystal ball base has dried thoroughly, you can start adding details and texture to mimic a real crystal ball's appearance. Begin by painting the entire surface of the paper mache using white acrylic paint. This serves as the base color and helps create a uniform background for future embellishments.

After the white paint has dried, mix various shades of gray acrylic paint to create depth and dimension. Dip a dry brush into the paint and lightly brush it over the surface, focusing on the crevices and indentations. This will add texture and highlight the details of your crystal ball.

Painting the Glass Effect

To achieve a realistic glass effect, you will need to use a special painting technique. Start by mixing a small amount of white and blue acrylic paint to create a pale blue color. This will serve as the base for the glass effect.

Using a sponge, lightly dab the pale blue paint onto the surface of the crystal ball. Gradually build up the color, focusing on the top and sides, as these areas would reflect light the most. Allow the paint to dry before moving onto the next step.

Enhancing the Glass Effect

To enhance the glass effect further, mix a small amount of white paint with a touch of pale yellow. With a fine brush, create delicate streaks and lines on the surface of the crystal ball. These subtle lines will add depth and make your crystal ball look more realistic.

Applying a Protective Varnish

To ensure the longevity of your crystal ball paper mache and protect the paintwork, apply a layer of varnish. Use a paintbrush to evenly coat the entire surface of the crystal ball with varnish. Let it dry completely before handling.

Removing the Balloon

Once the varnish has dried, it's time to remove the balloon. Carefully pop the balloon using a needle or pin near the opening left at the top. Slowly deflate the balloon and carefully remove it through the opening. Be careful not to damage or break the hardened paper mache.


Congratulations! You have successfully created your very own crystal ball paper mache. This enchanting craft allows you to add a touch of mysticism and magic to your home while showcasing your creativity. Experiment with different colors and painting techniques to create unique crystal ball designs. Whether displayed as a centerpiece or used for divination purposes, your handmade crystal ball is sure to captivate all who see it. Enjoy the magic you've brought to life with your own hands!

Note: Remember to handle your crystal ball with care as it may be delicate.

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