
how to draw a crystal ball on black paper

by:Ennas      2023-11-28

How to Draw a Crystal Ball on Black Paper


Drawing is a beautiful and creative way to express yourself. It allows you to bring your imagination to life and create stunning artworks. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to draw a crystal ball on black paper. The contrast of the crystal ball against the dark background will create a mesmerizing effect. So, grab your pencils, black paper, and let's get started!

Materials Needed:

Before we begin, let's gather all the materials you will need for this drawing:

1. Black drawing paper: The dark background will create a striking contrast for the crystal ball.

2. Pencils: We recommend using a set of graphite pencils ranging from 2H to 6B for shading and outlining.

3. White charcoal pencil: This will be used to add highlights and create the illusion of transparency in the crystal ball.

4. Blending tools: Tortillons or blending stumps will help you achieve smooth shading and blending.

5. Eraser: A kneaded eraser or a soft vinyl eraser will be handy for correcting mistakes and adding highlights.

Step 1: Outlining the Crystal Ball

Start by lightly sketching the outline of the crystal ball using a 2H pencil. The ball can be slightly elongated at the bottom to give it a stable base. Remember to draw lightly as this is just a guideline.

Step 2: Adding Reflections and Highlights

Since the crystal ball is transparent, it reflects light and its surroundings. To capture this effect, use your white charcoal pencil to lightly shade the areas where the light hits, such as the top and sides of the ball. The highlights and reflections should be subtle and delicate.

Step 3: Shading the Crystal Ball

Now, it's time to add depth and shading to the crystal ball. Use your set of graphite pencils to create different values, ranging from light to dark. Start with a 2B or 4B pencil to shade the areas that are furthest away from the light source, and gradually move to a 6B pencil for the darkest areas.

Remember to use light, circular motions to achieve a smooth and even coverage. Pay close attention to the shadows and reflections on the ball's surface, making sure to capture its spherical shape.

Step 4: Creating the Base and Background

To complete the drawing, we need to add a base for the crystal ball and a background to enhance its glow. With a 2B pencil, lightly sketch a simple base that supports the ball. It can be just a curved line or a small platform.

For the background, use your darkest pencil (6B) to shade around the crystal ball, leaving it untouched. This will create a striking contrast and make the ball stand out.

Step 5: Blending and Final Touches

To achieve a more realistic look, use tortillons or blending stumps to blend the shading and soften any harsh lines. This will give the drawing a smoother and more polished appearance. Be gentle while blending, as you don't want to lose the details or the contrast.

Lastly, use your white charcoal pencil to add some final touches and highlights to the crystal ball. Pay attention to the reflections, where the light hits the ball, and the subtle variations in transparency.


Drawing a crystal ball on black paper can be an enchanting and satisfying experience. By following these steps and using the right materials, you can create a masterpiece that captures the magic of this mystical object. Remember to practice and experiment with different shading techniques to enhance your skills. So, unleash your creativity, let your imagination wander, and enjoy the process of bringing this crystal ball to life on black paper. Happy drawing!

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