
how to do the floating crystal ball trick

by:Ennas      2023-11-29

How to Do the Floating Crystal Ball Trick


The floating crystal ball trick is a mesmerizing illusion that is sure to capture the attention and fascination of anyone who witnesses it. In this article, we will explore the secrets behind this enchanting trick and teach you how to perform it like a professional magician. Get ready to leave your audience spellbound!

Understanding the Science

To master the floating crystal ball trick, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of the science behind it. Despite its seemingly magical nature, the trick relies on the principles of physics and illusion. It involves harnessing the power of magnets, which create an invisible force that enables the ball to appear to float in mid-air. By manipulating these forces, you can create a spellbinding effect that will leave your audience in awe.

Preparing the Props

To perform the floating crystal ball trick, you will need a few essential props. First and foremost, you will require a crystal ball made of glass or acrylic. Choose a size that matches your skill level and the audience's viewing distance. Additionally, you will need a magnetic base that can be concealed beneath a table or cloth. It is crucial to ensure that the magnetic base is sturdy enough to hold the crystal ball securely in place without toppling over.

Mastering the Sleight of Hand

The art of illusion relies heavily on sleight of hand techniques. Before attempting the floating crystal ball trick, it is essential to practice your manipulation skills. Familiarize yourself with various hand gestures and movements that will enhance the illusion. Practice controlling the ball's movement with subtle but deliberate movements of your hands and fingers. The more comfortable you are with these techniques, the more convincing your performance will be.

Creating the Illusion

To create the illusion of a floating crystal ball, you must strategically position the magnetic base beneath your performance surface. This can be a table, a cloth, or any other solid object that can conceal the base effectively. Ensure that the base is secure and provides a stable platform for the crystal ball. Once in position, you can slowly bring the crystal ball close to the surface, allowing the magnetic force to take over and give the appearance of levitation.

Captivating Your Audience

Performing the floating crystal ball trick is not just about the technical aspects; it also requires showmanship and charisma to captivate your audience fully. Utilize effective storytelling techniques to engage your spectators and create a sense of wonder. Develop a script that complements the illusion, incorporating elements of mystery and intrigue. By maintaining eye contact and employing well-timed gestures, you can enhance the overall impact of your performance.


The floating crystal ball trick is a stunning illusion that can leave a lasting impression on your audience. By understanding the underlying science, honing your sleight of hand skills, and crafting an engaging performance, you can become a master of this mesmerizing trick. Remember to practice regularly, experiment with different presentation styles, and most importantly, have fun with your performance. So, get ready to amaze and astonish with the captivating floating crystal ball trick!

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