how to do divination with a crystal ball

by:Ennas      2023-11-29

Divination with a Crystal Ball: Gaining Insight into the Unknown

1. A Brief History of Crystal Ball Divination

2. Choosing the Perfect Crystal Ball for Divination

3. Cleansing and Charging Your Crystal Ball

4. Step-by-Step Guide to Divination with a Crystal Ball

5. Interpreting the Symbols and Colors in Crystal Ball Readings


Divination, the practice of seeking knowledge about the future or hidden truths using supernatural means, has been around for centuries. Crystal ball divination, in particular, has captivated the human imagination for its mysterious and intriguing nature. In this article, we will explore the art of divination with a crystal ball – from its fascinating history to the step-by-step process of performing a reading. Join us on this journey and unlock the secrets that lie within the sphere!

A Brief History of Crystal Ball Divination:

Crystal ball divination traces its roots back to ancient civilizations such as the Celtic, Egyptian, and Roman cultures. It is believed that these cultures utilized various precious stones and crystals for their divinatory purposes. The crystal ball, as we know it today, gained popularity during the 16th century when European fortune-tellers and mystics started using them as a powerful tool for scrying or seeing visions of the future.

Choosing the Perfect Crystal Ball for Divination:

Not all crystal balls are created equal, and choosing the right one for your divination practice is essential. When selecting a crystal ball, it's crucial to consider factors such as the type of crystal, size, clarity, and personal connection you feel with the crystal. The most commonly used crystal for divination is quartz, known for its clarity and ability to amplify energy. Amethyst, rose quartz, and obsidian are also popular choices due to their unique properties and symbolism.

Cleansing and Charging Your Crystal Ball:

Before you begin your divination journey, it's vital to cleanse and charge your crystal ball to ensure it is free from any negative energy or lingering vibrations. To cleanse your crystal ball, you can use methods like smudging with sage, placing it under running water, or burying it in the earth. Once cleansed, you can charge the crystal ball by exposing it to sunlight or moonlight, as well as setting intentions for its use in divination.

Step-by-Step Guide to Divination with a Crystal Ball:

Performing divination with a crystal ball requires focus, intuition, and openness to receiving messages from the spiritual realm. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

1. Prepare your space: Choose a quiet and serene space where you can perform your reading without distractions. Cleanse the area with incense or essential oils to create a peaceful atmosphere.

2. Ground and center yourself: Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body. Visualize yourself connecting with the Earth's energy and grounding yourself.

3. Establish a psychic connection: Gently hold your crystal ball in your hands and close your eyes. Tune in to its energy, feeling a sense of connection and communication between you and the crystal.

4. Ask a clear question or set an intention: Focus on the purpose of your divination session and frame your question or intention in a clear and concise manner. It's important to be specific to receive accurate insights.

5. Scrying: Place the crystal ball on a cloth or stand, preferably on a dark background. Soften your gaze and let your vision become unfocused while keeping your attention on the crystal. Allow your mind to wander and be open to receiving images and impressions.

Interpreting the Symbols and Colors in Crystal Ball Readings:

During a crystal ball reading, you may perceive symbols, colors, or images within the crystal. Interpreting these messages requires trust in your intuition and developing your own personal symbolism. While there are traditional meanings associated with certain colors and symbols, it's essential to pay attention to your individual understanding and connection to the imagery you receive.


Divination with a crystal ball is an ancient and powerful practice that allows us to tap into the realm of the unknown. By understanding the history, choosing the right crystal ball, and following a step-by-step process, you can unlock the secrets that the crystal holds. Remember, the key to successful divination lies within your intuition and willingness to trust the messages you receive. So, grab a crystal ball, embark on a journey into the mystical, and let the universe reveal its wisdom.

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