
how to beat level 407 on bricks ball crystal

by:Ennas      2023-12-03

Bricks Ball Crystal: Unlocking Strategies and Tips for Level 407


Embarking on the journey to conquer level 407 in Bricks Ball Crystal can be quite a challenge. The intricate obstacles, daunting brick formations, and limited moves can leave even the most experienced players frustrated. However, fear not! This article aims to guide you through this challenging level by providing you with effective strategies, helpful tips, and game-winning techniques. So, let's dive right in and uncover the secrets to beating level 407!

I. Understanding Level 407

Before delving into the strategies, let's examine the unique characteristics of level 407 in Bricks Ball Crystal. At this stage, you'll encounter a complex arrangement of bricks, tricky angles, and a limited number of moves to break them all. Understanding the layout and obstacles is crucial to devise a winning game plan.

II. Mastering the Art of Aim and Precision

1. Analyze the Brick Formations

Take a moment to observe the bricks' configuration on level 407. Identify any patterns, clusters, or isolated bricks that may impact your progress. Keep an eye out for high-value bricks that are hidden behind other layers. Analyzing the layout will help you strategize your shots more effectively.

2. Plan Your Shots Beforehand

Before you launch your ball, analyze the angles and calculate the trajectory to maximize your chances of success. Planning your shots in advance will give you an advantage in brick positioning, ensuring a higher percentage of successful strikes. Aim for the clusters or areas with multiple bricks to gain the maximum number of points with each hit.

III. Utilizing Power-ups and Boosters

1. Gather Power-ups Strategically

Throughout the game, collect power-ups that appear randomly on the screen. Utilize them wisely to enhance your gameplay. Power-ups such as fireballs, multi-balls, and laser beams can help you break bricks faster and obliterate obstacles that seem insurmountable.

2. Harness the Potential of Boosters

Boosters are additional tools that can greatly assist you in level 407. Activate them at the right moment to increase your chances of reaching your goal. For example, the 'Aim Assist' booster helps you accurately aim at bricks, eliminating any guesswork. Explore the different boosters available and use them strategically to your advantage.

IV. Adopting Efficient Strategies

1. Focus on Brick Elimination

In level 407, your primary objective is to eliminate as many bricks as possible within the limited number of moves. Focus on breaking clusters and isolated bricks to create a chain reaction effect that yields higher scores. Remember, efficiency is key!

2. Prioritize Eliminating High-Value Bricks

While it's tempting to aim randomly, targeting those high-value bricks should be your priority. These bricks often grant higher scores and may unlock additional power-ups or move extenders. Aim for them strategically, even if it means using an extra move or power-up.

V. Patience and Perseverance

1. Stay Calm and Focused

Level 407 can be unforgiving, but maintaining your composure is vital. Avoid rushing your shots or becoming flustered when faced with challenging brick formations. Take a deep breath, focus on your strategy, and visualize success. Remember, each level requires practice and perseverance.

2. Learn from Failed Attempts

Don't get discouraged by failed attempts; instead, learn from them. Analyze your previous shots and identify any weaknesses in your aim or strategy. Adjust your approach accordingly and try again. The more you learn and adapt, the closer you'll get to triumphing over level 407.


With these strategies, tips, and techniques, you now possess the knowledge to overcome level 407 in Bricks Ball Crystal. Remember to analyze the bricks' layout, plan your shots, utilize power-ups and boosters wisely, focus on efficiency and high-value bricks, and most importantly, stay patient and determined. Now, it's time to put your skills to the test and conquer level 407 once and for all! Good luck!

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