
how do you make a crystal ball python

by:Ennas      2023-12-09

How to Breed a Crystal Ball Python: A Step-by-Step Guide


The allure of breeding and raising exotic snakes has captivated many reptile enthusiasts. One such captivating species is the crystal ball python. Known for its stunning morphs and unique appearance, the crystal ball python has quickly gained popularity among snake lovers. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of breeding a crystal ball python, covering everything from preparing the breeding pair to caring for the hatchlings.

1. Selecting the Breeding Pair

Breeding a crystal ball python starts with carefully selecting the breeding pair. It is essential to choose healthy, genetically diverse individuals that possess desirable traits. Look for ball pythons with vibrant colors, clean patterns, and good body structure. Additionally, ensure that the chosen pair is unrelated to minimize genetic issues in the offspring.

2. Preparing the Breeding Enclosure

Creating a suitable environment is crucial for successful breeding. Set up a spacious enclosure with appropriate temperatures, humidity levels, and hiding spots. Provide each snake with its own hide to ensure privacy during the breeding process. Use a substrate that retains moisture well, such as cypress mulch or coconut husk, to maintain optimal humidity levels.

3. Introducing the Breeding Pair

Before introducing the breeding pair, it is essential to ensure that both snakes are in good health. Quarantine them separately for a few weeks to monitor for any signs of illness. Introduce them in a neutral environment, such as a separate enclosure, and closely observe their interactions. Avoid leaving them unsupervised to prevent potential aggression.

4. Monitoring the Breeding Process

Once the breeding pair has successfully bonded, it is crucial to monitor their behaviors closely. Female crystal ball pythons typically display signs of receptiveness by flicking their tongues, assuming specific body postures, and becoming more active. The male may exhibit courtship behaviors such as vibrating his tail or rubbing against the female. Keep a detailed record of their behaviors and track the female's follicle growth through regular ultrasounds to ensure successful breeding.

5. Providing Optimal Breeding Conditions

Maintaining optimal conditions during the breeding process is critical for success. Adjust the temperature gradient in the enclosure, with the warmer side around 88-90°F (31-32°C) and the cooler side around 80-85°F (27-29°C). Ensure a humidity level between 50-60% to enhance breeding chances. Adjust these parameters accordingly, keeping in mind the specific needs of your breeding pair.

6. Assisting with the Breeding Process

In some cases, the male may encounter difficulties in performing copulation. If this happens, you may need to assist by manually aligning their cloacas to facilitate successful mating. However, it's important to be extremely cautious and gentle while doing this to avoid injuring the snakes. Seeking guidance from an experienced breeder or reptile veterinarian can be beneficial in such situations.

7. Post-Breeding Care

After successful copulation, separate the breeding pair to avoid any potential harm. Ensure the female has ample space and provide her with a comfortable and stress-free environment. Continue monitoring her temperature, humidity, and overall health regularly. Increased feeding is usually required during the breeding season to support egg development.

8. Preparing for Egg Laying

As the female crystal ball python enters the pre-laying shed, create a suitable egg-laying area within her enclosure. A lay box with dampened sphagnum moss or vermiculite is ideal for providing the necessary moisture. Maintain a temperature gradient in the range of 88-90°F (31-32°C) to encourage the female to lay her eggs.

9. Incubating the Eggs

Carefully remove the laid eggs from the lay box and transfer them to an incubation container. Ensure the container is labeled with relevant information, such as the date of laying and the pairing. Set up the incubator at the appropriate temperature of 88-90°F (31-32°C) and maintain a humidity level of around 90%. Regularly monitor the eggs for signs of mold or dehydration during the incubation period.

10. Hatching and Caring for the Hatchlings

Once the incubation period nears completion, you may start noticing small cracks appearing on the eggs. This is a sign that the hatchlings are preparing to emerge. As the hatchlings begin to emerge, resist the urge to assist them. It is crucial to allow them to complete the process naturally. Once fully hatched, transfer them to individual enclosures equipped with appropriate temperature, humidity, and hiding spots. Feed them appropriately-sized prey items and closely monitor their growth and development.


Breeding crystal ball pythons can be an incredibly rewarding experience for any snake enthusiast. By carefully selecting the breeding pair, providing optimal conditions, and monitoring the process closely, you increase the chances of successfully breeding and raising healthy hatchlings. Remember to always prioritize the well-being and welfare of the snakes throughout the entire breeding journey. With patience, dedication, and proper care, you'll have the pleasure of witnessing the enchanting beauty of crystal ball python offspring.

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