how do you get a crystal ball python

by:Ennas      2023-12-09

A Crystal Ball Python: Everything You Need to Know Before Getting One


Are you considering adding a unique and mesmerizing reptile to your collection? Look no further than the captivating Crystal Ball Python! With its stunning coloration and docile nature, this snake has become an increasingly popular choice among reptile enthusiasts. However, before bringing one home, it is essential to understand the care requirements, temperament, and potential challenges associated with owning a Crystal Ball Python. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and ensure the well-being of your new companion.

Understanding the Crystal Ball Python

Crystal Ball Pythons, also known as Crystal Pythons or Ball Pythons, are a stunning morph of the traditional Ball Python species (Python regius). Their unique name comes from the mesmerizing crystal-like patterns and striking coloration that adorn their scales. These snakes are the product of selective breeding and are not found in the wild. Breeders have carefully developed this morph to create the enchanting snake we know and love today.

Appearance and Coloration

Crystal Ball Pythons are characterized by their unparalleled beauty. Their original coloration follows a black and brown pattern, with occasional lighter tones. However, as a result of selective breeding, various morphs and color variations have emerged. Some of these morphs include the Blue-Eyed Leucistic, Ivory, and Pewter, which exhibit stunning combinations of white, cream, and gray scales. The mesmerizing appearance of Crystal Ball Pythons makes them a highly sought-after choice in the world of reptiles.

Temperament and Handling

One of the reasons Crystal Ball Pythons have gained popularity among reptile enthusiasts is their docile temperament. Compared to other snake species, they are known for being generally calm, relaxed, and non-aggressive. This makes them an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced snake owners.

When handling a Crystal Ball Python, it is crucial to remember a few key points. Firstly, ensure that you approach the snake with a gentle and confident demeanor. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, as this can startle and stress the reptile. Always support their body when lifting them and avoid gripping them too tightly. Regular handling from a young age can help create a bond of trust between you and your snake, allowing for pleasant interactions and the occasional opportunity for exploration outside their enclosure.

Housing and Enclosure Requirements

Creating a suitable habitat for your Crystal Ball Python is essential for its health and well-being. Selecting an appropriately sized enclosure is crucial, as it allows the snake to feel secure while offering enough space for exercise and natural behaviors. For adult Crystal Ball Pythons, a 30-gallon glass terrarium (36' x 18' x 12') is generally recommended. However, it is vital to provide climbing structures and hide boxes to create a sense of security for your snake.

Maintaining the proper temperature and humidity levels is another vital aspect of their care. The enclosure should have a thermal gradient, offering a warm side with temperatures ranging from 88°F to 92°F (31°C to 33°C) and a cooler side ranging from 78°F to 82°F (25°C to 28°C). The humidity levels inside the enclosure should be kept between 50% and 60%, with occasional spikes during shedding periods.

Feeding and Nutrition

Feeding your Crystal Ball Python a well-balanced and appropriate diet is crucial for its overall health. In the wild, they mainly consume small mammals such as mice and rats. As captives, they are typically fed pre-killed or frozen-thawed prey, which ensures the safety of both the snake and feeder animals.

The size of the prey offered should correspond to the size of your snake's mid-body girth. Generally, feeding juvenile Crystal Ball Pythons every 5 to 7 days is recommended, gradually decreasing the frequency as they grow older. Adult pythons can be fed every 10 to 14 days. It is crucial to monitor your snake's weight and adjust their feeding schedule accordingly. A healthy snake should display good body condition with a defined waistline.

Health and Common Issues

While Crystal Ball Pythons are generally hardy and resilient, they can still face health issues. Understanding some of the common problems can help you provide appropriate care and seek veterinary assistance when needed.

One of the most frequent concerns in pythons is respiratory infections. These infections can be caused by improper temperature and humidity levels, inadequate ventilation, or bacterial or viral infections. Symptoms include wheezing, open-mouth breathing, excessive mucus, and lack of appetite. If you suspect your snake has a respiratory infection, it is crucial to consult a reptile veterinarian promptly.

Another common issue observed in captive pythons is improper shedding or retained eye caps. Inadequate humidity levels inside the enclosure can make it challenging for the snake to shed its skin completely. To assist your Crystal Ball Python during shedding, provide a humid hide box and monitor humidity levels closely.


Owning a Crystal Ball Python can be a rewarding experience for reptile enthusiasts. Their mesmerizing appearance, docile temperament, and manageable size make them an ideal choice for snake lovers. By understanding their unique care requirements, housing needs, and potential health issues, you can provide your Crystal Ball Python with a comfortable and thriving life. Remember to source your snake from reputable breeders, offer proper husbandry, and provide regular veterinary care to ensure the well-being and happiness of your enchanting new companion.

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