
how do i get the crystal ball

by:Ennas      2023-12-10

How Do I Get the Crystal Ball: Unveiling the Mysteries of Divination


For centuries, humans have sought ways to catch glimpses of the future, explore the unknown, and find answers to their burning questions. One intriguing tool that has captured our imaginations is the crystal ball. Often associated with mystics, fortune tellers, and witches, the crystal ball has become an iconic symbol of divination. In this article, we delve into the secrets behind the crystal ball and explore different methods and practices to obtain this mystical object.

The History of Crystal Gazing

Crystal gazing, or scrying, dates back to ancient times. Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians believed in the power of crystal balls to receive messages from the divine or gain insights into the future. The use of polished spheres made of crystal or glass for divination purposes gained popularity during the Medieval period. As time went on, the crystal ball became firmly associated with divination and fortune-telling.

Understanding the Crystal Ball

Before embarking on your quest to obtain a crystal ball, it is important to understand what this mystical object truly represents. The crystal ball serves as a medium to access deep states of consciousness and intuition. It is believed to amplify psychic abilities and facilitate communication with higher realms. While many consider the crystal ball to be a window into the future, it is essential to approach it with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Finding a Genuine Crystal Ball

1. Research and Identify Authentic Sources

In order to obtain a crystal ball, it is crucial to identify authentic sources that specialize in selling genuine crystal balls. Many online stores claim to provide authentic crystal balls, but it is important to do your research and read customer reviews to ensure their legitimacy. Look for reputable sellers with a history of providing quality products.

2. Types of Crystal Balls

Crystal balls come in various forms, each with its own unique properties and energies. The most popular and widely used crystal ball is made from Clear Quartz. Clear Quartz is believed to enhance clarity, amplify intentions, and provide a clear connection to higher sources of knowledge. Other crystal options include Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Citrine, each possessing distinct energies that can influence your divination practice.

3. Choosing the Right Size

Crystal balls are available in a range of sizes, from small handheld spheres to larger, more formidable ones. When selecting the right size for your needs, consider the practicality of handling the crystal ball comfortably. It's important to choose a size that feels right for you, as you will be spending considerable time gazing into it during your divination sessions.

Cleansing and Energizing Your Crystal Ball

Once you have acquired your crystal ball, it is essential to cleanse and energize it before using it for divination purposes. Cleansing the crystal ball involves removing any unwanted energies that may have accumulated from previous interactions or from the manufacturing process. Energizing the crystal ball involves infusing it with your own intentions and energy to enhance its power and establish a connection.

1. Cleansing Rituals

One popular cleansing method is to wash the crystal ball in lukewarm water, gently rubbing it between your palms. Another common practice is to bury the crystal ball in a bowl filled with sea salt, leaving it overnight to absorb any negative energies. Smudging the crystal ball with sacred herbs such as sage or palo santo is also a widely used method to energetically cleanse it.

2. Energizing Techniques

To energetically charge your crystal ball, you can leave it under the light of the full moon overnight. The moon's energy will infuse the crystal with its potent vibrations. Alternatively, you can hold the crystal ball in your hands and close your eyes, visualizing it surrounded by bright white light. Envision your intentions flowing into the crystal, establishing a strong connection with it.

Using the Crystal Ball for Divination

1. Creating the Right Environment

Creating the perfect environment is crucial for effective divination with a crystal ball. Find a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts and the crystal ball. Dim the lights or use candlelight to set a soothing and mystical ambiance. It is also helpful to have a cloth or stand on which you can place the crystal ball to prevent it from rolling or moving.

2. Clearing Your Mind

Before beginning a divination session, it is important to clear your mind of any distractions or preconceived notions. Sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths, and let go of any tension or stress. Relax your gaze and allow your mind to settle into a calmer state. It is in this state of openness and receptivity that the crystal ball's revelations may become clearer.

3. Gazing into the Crystal Ball

To gaze into the crystal ball, gently place your hands around it or hover them just above it without touching. Relax your eyes and soften your gaze, allowing your focus to naturally shift to the crystal ball's surface. Initially, you may see only foggy or cloudy images, but with practice and patience, the crystal ball may reveal symbols, shapes, or scenes.

4. Interpretation and Intuition

Interpretation of the images or symbols seen within the crystal ball requires intuition and a deep trust in your own psychic abilities. Pay attention to any emotions, thoughts, or impressions that arise while gazing into the crystal ball. Allow your intuition to guide you in deciphering the messages you receive. Remember, the crystal ball serves as a tool, and it is ultimately your own inner wisdom that will provide the most meaningful insights.


Obtaining a crystal ball and embarking on the journey of divination can be an exciting and enlightening experience. By understanding the history, cleansing rituals, and usage techniques, you can harness the potential of this mystical tool to gain insight, explore the unknown, and embrace your innate psychic abilities. Remember, while the crystal ball can open doors to the unseen, it is within yourself that the true power lies. Trust your intuition, let the crystal ball be your guide, and unlock the mysteries that lie within.

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