A huge surprise for the Chinese zodiac economy A zodiac season without a climax

by:Ennas      2021-12-24

A 'Chinese Zodiac Monkey' that was originally entrusted with high hopes has now surprised many people. 'In the past two years, the plush toys of the Chinese zodiac horse and the zodiac goat have been very popular. 2016 is the year of the monkey. The monkey plush toys with the same cute and'selling points' image of the Chinese zodiac were once placed high expectations by the Dalian toy industry. However, The reality is: We are all'played by monkeys'.' Lu Tao, general manager of Dalian Yijia Toys Co., Ltd. said sadly. According to industry insiders, this year, Dalian’s toy manufacturers’ orders for Chinese zodiac monkey plush toys have decreased by an average of about 30% compared with the same period last year. This smart and lively monkey has not been able to stir up the “Chinese zodiac” of Dalian’s toy industry. economy'. A huge accident in the Chinese zodiac economy 'This year, affected by the economic situation, our company's efficiency has also declined. Therefore, I have high hopes for the'Chinese zodiac economy' at the end of the year. However, this monkey is not up to date.' Lu Tao said. As early as June to July, he organized designers to develop and design Chinese zodiac monkey images. This year, he launched nearly 10 zodiac monkey plush toys including hand puppet monkey, magnet monkey, shoulder monkey, and playful monkey. ; From July to August, a limited number of monkey toys were produced, and then they were happily waiting for a large number of orders to float in. However, what happened next was beyond Lu Tao's expectation.  According to the traditional timetable, from September to October, the toy factory will take orders in large quantities, and then work overtime to produce; in November, the toys of the Chinese zodiac will start to be shipped in a concentrated manner, and the retail chain will enter the beginning of December. 'However, this year until now, the large quantities of monkey toy orders that we are looking forward to have not come.' Lu Tao revealed that currently, the company's shipments of various monkey toys are only more than 10,000, which is a significant decrease from last year. . “This year’s poor sales of monkey toys for the Chinese zodiac is indeed a huge accident. For our toy factory, we originally designed 4 new zodiac monkey images for the 2016 “Zodiac Economy”, such as lovers monkeys, golden monkeys giving treasures, etc., but The actual sales situation is not ideal.' Liu Jie, general manager of Dalian Jiarong Toys Factory, said frankly that this year, its Chinese zodiac toy orders were about 30% less than the same period last year. The zodiac season without climax    where are all the orders for the monkey toy of the Chinese zodiac that Dalian toy companies are looking forward to? Is the real peak order period yet to come? In this regard, Liu Xin (a pseudonym), a plush toy wholesaler in Dalian, believes that the peak order season that toy factories are still waiting for may not come. 'Because the sales of monkey toys for the Chinese zodiac are not good in the downstream retail links, and the sales are slow. Dealers dare not stock up, so naturally there are no orders to place. In addition, the traditional sales seasons for the two Chinese zodiac toys are coming soon. It is going to pass, and there is not much possibility of a reversal in time. Perhaps, the Chinese zodiac monkey toy will face such a plot that ends suddenly without a climax. '  ' In the past, the largest buyer of Chinese zodiac toys was the unit, and they started the new year. When waiting for group activities, employees will be given some lucky zodiac toys, but now, such activities have dropped sharply, and this kind of orders that were originally separated from the retail channels have disappeared.' Industry insiders said, For Chinese zodiac toy manufacturers, there are indeed fewer and fewer reinforcements that can 'rescue'. 'In the first two years, orders for Chinese zodiac toys were relatively large, often thousands, or even tens of thousands. This year, there were almost no large orders for Chinese zodiac monkey toys. The most we received were orders for hundreds of Chinese zodiac monkey toys. Small orders.' Wang Hongyan, the chief designer of Dalian Murchi Toys, said frankly. As a well-known brand, “Murchi Toys” basically did not accept such small orders with hundreds of orders, but now they are coming. The person does not refuse. 'Orders have decreased, and we even started to take some'personal order' orders. For example, some time ago, a customer ordered a stuffed monkey toy for his daughter, which needed to be designed and produced separately, so we gladly took the order. 'Wang Hongyan said that in the future, this kind of business may be a new growth point.   Is there a lack of 'good luck'?   Why did the monkey toy of the Chinese zodiac, which was widely optimistic in the industry, unexpectedly get cold? 'Although the meaning of the Chinese zodiac monkey is also very good, such as smart, lively, cute, etc., it seems to be missing a 'good luck headJie said that 2014 is the Year of the Horse, the Chinese zodiac horse toy was catalyzed by the 'horse bodyWaiting for the auspicious words to bring a hot sale of the sheep toy of the Chinese zodiac, but the Chinese zodiac monkey lacks such a familiar 'good luck head'.   Some people in the industry hold different views on this. 'I think this year, the most fundamental reason for the coldness of the Chinese zodiac sheep toy is the unsatisfactory economic situation, which directly affects the decision-making of major customers.' Lu Tao said that at present, many toy factories still rely on large orders for unit bulk purchases. 'In the last year of the monkey, monkey toys were very popular. I remember that our toy factory worked overtime to make orders. In the end, we couldn't supply them. We even sold all the monkey-like toys in our inventory.' Dalian A senior industry insider said that this year, the sales of monkey toys for the Chinese zodiac fell unexpectedly. The economic situation is changing, the market demand, consumer mentality, aesthetic ability, etc. are all changing, which puts forward higher requirements for toy companies. In other words, the cake of 'Chinese Zodiac Economy' can no longer be eaten with one's mouth open, it needs to use brains.
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