A doll toy based on the American 'Deep Throat Snowden'

by:Ennas      2021-11-29

According to foreign media reports on the 18th, a toy company in the United States has produced a new type of doll toy, the prototype of which is the American 'Deep Throat' Snowden. As soon as this new type of doll came out, even the toy doll of the Special Forces (G.I. Joe) would go aside. ThatsMyFace, a human mask website based in Oregon, said on the 18th that they launched a 30-centimeter realistic doll of Snowden, a former employee of the National Security Agency contracting company, priced at $99. The photos on the company’s website show that the Snowden doll is wearing a blue shirt, slacks and black basketball shoes, but you can also put on a gray striped suit or battle uniform for him. The website said the proceeds from the sale of this doll will be donated to the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF), a non-profit organization in San Francisco. The foundation invited Snowden to join the board of directors in January. ThatsMyFace also produced realistic dolls by Julian Assange, the founder of 'WikiLeaks'. ThatsMyFace also wrote a 'Exemption from Liability Statement' on its official website, stating that 'Snowden and the Freedom of the Press Foundation have not sponsored, authorized or endorsed this website or the Snowden dolls we launched.'
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