
44 pieces Xu Hongfei figurines Russia st. Petersburg

by:Ennas      2020-06-03
Core tip: Xu Hongfei works exhibited the Russian local time on June 10, '2019 guangzhou culture week - — Xu Hongfei figurines station 'world tour Russia st. Petersburg in Russia officially opened, Xu Hongfei works exhibited the Russian local time on June 10,' 2019 guangzhou culture week - — Xu Hongfei figurines station 'world tour Russia st. Petersburg in Russia officially opened, and will continue to show to June 23. Exhibition specially selected 44 pieces Xu Hongfei figurines, aims to use full clever, humorous language, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Russia, the Russian people invited with the development of China's new era of positive force. The exhibition by Russia's federal ministry of culture, the guangzhou tourism administration of radio, film and television culture, repin academy of fine arts gallery, guangzhou figurine institute, is a small statue of the CPPCC national committee, guangzhou Xu Hongfei figurines world tour exhibition stand, 33 private also is this year he go abroad for the first time in Chinese country museum exhibition after the exhibition. This year marks the 175th anniversary of the Russian critical realism painter repin's birthday, is also the dean of st. Petersburg repin academy of fine arts Peter Ming centennial anniversary. In honor of repin and Peter faming, Xu Hongfei statuettes show also deliberately choose held in st. Petersburg repin academy of fine arts. Xu Hongfei figurines to create more than 30 years, with civilian Angle of view, detail to reproduce life. For years Xu Hongfei continuous creation 'fat ladies' series of figurines, due to small statues witty, humorous language to convey to the audience artistic mood and full of fireworks gas art aesthetic and known. It is understood that as one of the principal activities of the '2019 guangzhou culture week', Xu Hongfei statuettes show 'Shanghai' in the world more wonderful cultural exchanges. Since 2013, Xu Hongfei works of 'fat ladies' series of figurines in 14 countries one after another successful hosting of 32 games in 29 cities exhibition. Xu Hongfei 'fat ladies' series of figurines figurines with witty, humorous language to convey to the audience artistic mood and full of fireworks art aesthetic and known. In 'thin' as the mainstream aesthetic environment, with the 'fat lady' new interpretation for the female body, to become Xu Hongfei unique art symbols. Since 2013, Xu Hongfei works of 'fat ladies' series of figurines in 14 countries one after another successful hosting of 32 games in 29 cities exhibition.
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