3D printing is not only used in toys

by:Ennas      2021-12-21

What lies ahead is a big market cake, but the application of 3D printing in education and training has not been implemented smoothly. 'We found that many schools bought 3D printers, but put them there to let them sleep.' Zhang Xusheng told the 'Daily Economic News' reporter. The main problem is that these schools have not introduced 3D printing courses. It is difficult to understand and develop the curriculum. Luo Jun also regrets that there is no unified teaching material on 3D printing on the market, and there is no education and training standard. Shining 3D is aware of this problem, so when selecting promotion objects, it puts more emphasis on vocational schools. 'Vocational schools are linked to employment, and the promotion situation is better than ordinary schools.' said Zhou Yi, manager of the company's desktop 3D printing department. On the other hand, the entire 3D printing industry is facing the problem of lack of talents, which even affects companies that cannot find suitable Mu0026A targets when they expand. When Luo Jun visited Silicon Valley, he found that even in Silicon Valley, there is a serious shortage of 3D printing talents. “There are too few people who really understand 3D printing, which restricts the popularization and development of 3D printing technology.” The scarcity of talents has been further applied in the field of education and training. Highlight. '3D printing is a kind of teaching tool, used to open up children's thinking, not toys.' Zhou Yi said, 'We should train teachers first.' It is for this reason that Shining 3D currently does not want desktop printers to enter the family. . 'The design software is involved in the first, and the application is involved in the latter. If the front and back (end) are not connected, children can only play some ready-made models.' Zhou Yi said. 3D printing training becomes a 'dessert' For investors, the lack of 3D education and training may be an excellent business opportunity, an industry 'dessert'. In early June, a company targeting the 3D printing education and training market appeared at the 3rd World 3D Printing Technology Industry Conference and Expo, and was regarded as the first 'crab-eater' in the industry. According to the reporter of 'Daily Business NewsThe Ru0026D team behind it is expected to launch the corresponding 3D printing professional teaching materials in September. At present, this company has conducted pilot projects in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Xiamen and other places. According to the company's calculations, it will be able to achieve profitability this year, and guarantee annual revenue of 800 million to 1 billion yuan in the future. However, this is only in ideal conditions. According to its staff, Teach only embarked on commercial operation this year. It has also been groping for more than a year before and has experienced difficulties in many aspects. 'Especially in curriculum and software development, we must constantly face the problems of poor systematization and lack of standardization.' Another 'sweet' that combines 3D printing with educational applications may exist among makers. Not long ago, Silver Jubilee Technology sponsored a maker contest. Its chairman Tan Songbin believes that through the maker contest, more people can participate and it is more conducive to combining 3D printing with creative maker innovation. 'The seeds have been planted in the hearts of young people. These people will be the pillars of our 3D printing industry in the future.' Tan Songbin said. Zhao Donglai holds the same view: 'In the past, our design was limited by manufacturing, and some weird ideas and personalized products could not be realized. When 3D printing is available, production becomes less difficult. Naturally, more people will participate. , Will drive many people’s ideas for entrepreneurship.'
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