33 figurines interpretation 'we never participate in'

by:Ennas      2021-08-03
Core tip: reporter wang yimei shenzhen: by oct contemporary art center ( 'He') Figurines sponsored by the eighth shenzhen biennale is the shenzhen oct creative culture held reporter wang yimei to August 31st shenzhen reported: by oct contemporary art center ( 'He') Figurines sponsored by the eighth shenzhen biennale is the shenzhen oct creative culture held on August 31, the exhibition theme of 'we have never been involved in', invited 33 artists display their works, the artists from Turkey, the United States, Spain, Japan, Finland, Singapore, and Taiwan, Hong Kong and other 13 countries and regions, for the successive statuettes show. Group exhibition of 33 works include device, poster, video, voice navigation, cooperation performance, and other art forms. Daniel, Marko Daniel) Daniel has rich experience in international curators, for preparing the exhibition, Daniel for artists in China and Europe has carried on the thorough investigation, put forward 'we have never been involved in' small statues as the eighth shenzhen biennale exhibition theme. The eighth shenzhen figurines biennale for figurines 'society' ( 社会雕塑) Concept. Boyce ( 约瑟夫·博伊斯) Is put forward, it expanded the concept of figurines, beyond the physical form, and involvement in social relations. He proposed a 'social organism as a work of art' is one of the challenges is the source of artistic creation and participatory relationship. Song Ta 'civil servants' is the digital printing, contains hundreds of hand-drawn cartoon, is his hometown do a small part of the Chinese administrative personnel. Precise details of the artist in cartoon form and in the hundreds of standard yellow A4 paper creation's every one of us, they were divided into different groups, including some private telephone number and license plate number, it looks like a detective novels or murder mystery will appear in the scene. Huang Bozhi exhibition in Taipei is ─ production line made in China, has hired two workers take turns to work in his works, make clothes every day. After the exhibition, production out of the clothes and wardrobe will be open to Taipei biennial in becoming the next phase of the work. Huang Bozhi is trying to the regional projects in accordance with the business logic, arouse the viewer to focus on the global production system. Rafer's work 'as the art of invention 4 public relations' with colored blackboard investigation and ask questions, to encourage viewers to interact, three pieces of color board could be seen as a basic style of the social network. Behavior image observation of life, 'I have the time' is Hong Kong Morgan wong wing-fat behavior art image recording over 20 days. His creative question usual measurements of time, or attempt to propose a new quantitative way. Works seemingly insipid, often borrow the common thing in the life. Artists daily pour the cement into a plastic cup, waiting for it to set. He recorded the practice process, and show him with this glass tough physical relationship. 'Good afternoon theatre of dreams' was shot in the Tokyo subway works, described the author Mr Koizumi Ming lang process: 'when he was just sobbing, he received no reply. People is accustomed to such behavior. So I let him again and again, let he cried louder every time. In the eighth, I let him try my best to shout loudly, finally, we broke the silence of the mask. '' we never participate in exhibition title refers to on the different modes of participation: from refuse to participate in a conventional art project, to those in the history has never been involved in traditional and those unable to carry out radical art in art practice, not to mention the possibility of public participation. Exhibition in daily life, the life has not been paid attention to in aspects of, look be like common space, structure, construction for reference, and provides a variety of social reality aesthetic form.
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