2020 latest magnet toy safety standard update

by:Ennas      2022-01-25
1. Australia updates the safety standards for magnet toys. On August 27, 2020, Australia issued the 'Safety Standards for Consumer Products (Toys Containing Magnets)A specific clause in one of the toy safety standards: The new standard takes effect on August 28, 2020. Toys containing magnets must meet the new requirements after 12 months, that is, children’s toys containing magnets before August 27, 2021 It can comply with the 'Safety Standards for Children's Toys Containing Magnets for Consumer Products' (2010 Consumer Protection Announcement No. 5) or new standards. Starting from August 28, 2021, these toys must meet the new requirements. 2. The State of Vermont, the U.S., approves the revision of the rules for the notification of chemicals of high concern in children’s products. Effective from the 1st of January. The main points of the amendment are as follows: Source: China Testing Light Industry and Toys
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