2020 Japan Toy Market Report: Puzzles increased by 58.7% year-on-year, and the most popular IP is...

by:Ennas      2022-01-24
The Japan Toy Association released the 2020 toy market scale report. In 2020, the Japanese toy market will be 826.8 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 1.5%. The biggest increases in 2020 are: (1) puzzle 58.7%, (2) high-tech trend toys 24.9%, (3) games 17.3%, (4) groceries 10.4%, (5) card games and trading cards 7.9%, ( 6) Seasonal toys 7.3%, (7) Hobbies 4.9%, (8) Educational / educational toys 2.1%. Affected by the epidemic, game categories such as puzzles and board games, and toy categories such as Arts Craft, building blocks, and models have increased significantly. In addition, Japanese families choose to take activities in outdoor places such as parks as a way to relieve pressure during the epidemic closure period, which has helped outdoor sports toys have a greater growth. Interestingly, the sales of summer toys such as swimming rings on the beach have fallen, but the swimming pools for playing at home are very popular. In general, the toy market in Japan in 2020 is in a good situation. In addition, personal computer pad-type toys have increased by more than 50% in 2020 over the previous year. In the category of distance education toys, companion toys that can learn happily with children are welcomed by the market, especially in elementary school basic subjects and programming. The design for the theme has been affirmed by parents and children. After this epidemic, we discovered that toys are not only a necessity for children's growth, but also a necessity for parent-child families, a necessity for protecting children's physical and mental health, and a necessity for ensuring the effectiveness of distance education when the school curriculum cannot be carried out. From the perspective of deepening communication between family members, toys are more needed in 2020 than in previous years. In addition, the increase in sales of miscellaneous goods, mainly entertainment products and clothing, is largely due to the contribution of the Demon Slayer and the Corner Creature (すみこぐら). In 2020, these two IPs will be used in games, puzzles, and arts and crafts. , Computer-based toys and other categories have gathered high popularity. Both of these two IPs have a large audience, from children to adults, both boys (males) and girls (females) like them, and their images are also suitable for the extension of various product categories, which is also very in line with the recent toy market Features-no age, no borders, no gender. In addition, in the Japanese market in 2020, the sales of playhouse toys and doll toys have all declined, and the surprise toy boom that created large sales in the previous year has also declined.
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