2017 Shenzhen International Maternity and Baby Products Exhibition hits big

by:Ennas      2021-12-28

Time: November 24-26, 2017 Venue: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center 2017 China Shenzhen International Maternity and Infant Products Exhibition, referred to as MBCchina, this event is the only professional event for maternity, infant and child industry in South China. The exhibition is extended by the exhibition Organize the whole process! At the same time, the Shenzhen Children's Wear Show, the Shenzhen International Baby Carriage, Bed and Safety Seat Show, the Shenzhen Toy Fair, and the Shenzhen International Early Childhood Educational Supplies and Equipment Exhibition constitute China's strongest pregnant and infant ecological exhibition, and they have a strong presence in Shenzhen, South China. MBCchina strives to connect the Shenzhen Pregnancy, Infant and Child Fair to the Pearl River Delta, facing both domestic and overseas, covering all of China, serving Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and striving to build China's most influential pregnant, baby and child procurement and commerce platform. Cooperate with the Shenzhen Pregnancy, Infant and Child Exhibition to create a series of exhibitions for the entire industry chain, including the Shenzhen Children's Clothing Exhibition, the Shenzhen International Baby Carriage, Bed and Safety Seat Exhibition, the Shenzhen Toys Fair, and the Shenzhen International Early Childhood Education Exhibition to create China's largest and most authoritative ecological exhibition. Exhibits ◆ Maternal and child products: nursing products, cleaning and disinfection products, baby bottle skin care products, hygiene care products, baby-care appliances, safety products, etc.;   ◆ Toys, teaching aids and souvenirs: baby toys, learning machines, early education machines, children's toys, amusement Facilities, various educational supplies and stationery, souvenirs, etc.;   ◆ Animation and brand authorization: animation authorization and derivative products, animation image authorization, animation derivative products, related maternity and infant products brand authorization ◆ Maternity, infant and child food and health products: milk powder, Supplementary food, health and nutrition products, etc.;   ◆ Pregnancy clothes, underwear and accessories: maternity clothes, pregnant women’s underwear and accessories, etc.;   ◆ Children’s clothes, baby clothes, children’s shoes and accessories: children’s clothes, baby clothes, baby shoes, accessories, etc.;   ◆ strollers, safety Seats, cribs, furniture, dining chairs, baby strollers, walkers, cradles, home textiles;   ◆ Service agencies: preschool supplies and equipment, parent-child centers, daycare, educational research and development, confinement centers, confinement nanny, children's photography Target buyers such as domestic pregnant and infant products agents, wholesalers, and network agents in various provinces and cities in China;    pregnant and infant products franchisees, retailers, and online retailers in various provinces and cities in China;    department stores, commercial real estate, stores, and pharmacies in various provinces and cities in China Purchasing agents;    domestic provinces and municipalities in the distribution center of maternity and infant products wholesale, procurement groups;    domestic provinces and cities interested in entering the maternity and infant industry investors;    Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas agents, purchasers, brand owners; overseas professional media. Why exhibit?   The only maternity and infant exhibition in Shenzhen, South China   30,000 square meters of exhibition area, 30,000 professional buyers, to provide a one-stop procurement platform for the majority of customers in the maternity and infant industry.  Exhibition upgrade, multiple effects at one time.   Shenzhen Children's Clothing Exhibition, Shenzhen International Children's Carriage and Safety Seat Exhibition, Shenzhen Toys Fair, Shenzhen International Children's Educational Supplies Exhibition, Shenzhen Confinement Club Exhibition will be held concurrently with the Pregnancy and Infant Exhibition. Shenzhen Pregnancy, Infant and Child Fair will fully integrate industry resources. Grasp the vertical and horizontal industry chain and develop big business opportunities across fields.   Jointly develop a new blue ocean with 600 exhibitors and tap the trillion-dollar market.    It is expected that more than 600 exhibitors will jointly showcase more than 1,200 brands and jointly tap the trillion-dollar market. A huge overseas buyer invitation network organizer The extension exhibition is the world’s leading exhibition and conference event organizer. Aiming at the 2016 Shenzhen Maternity, Baby and Child Fair, the extension exhibition has a buyer invitation call center for overseas buyers, with nearly 200 professional telephone personnel. Carry out precise invitations and services to ensure the arrival rate and exhibition experience of overseas buyers. VIP Core Buyer Program, Realizing Trade Matching. VIP Specially Invited VIP Program is a high-end business exchange platform established for China's top 1,000 pregnant, baby and child companies with high influence and purchasing power. It is an exclusive VIP for many exhibitions with purchasing needs and decision-making power. The core audience buyers will conduct personalized customer appointments with exhibitors to achieve trade matching. Why visit MBC china China provides you with the following opportunities to purchase all kinds of maternity, infant and child products in one stop, saving purchase costs; 30,000 square meters of exhibition space, gathering maternity, infant and child products from all over the world, Shanghai Extension Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Shanghai Address: Xuhui, Shanghai District Nanning Road 970, Vanke Center Building B, Room 801, Exhibitor Contact: Miss Zhao 15026934658 Email: karen.zhao@kuozhan.com.cn Tel: +86-21-51987155 Fax: +86-21-54890578 Official website of the exhibition: www. mbcexpo.cn
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