2017 China Toy Fair, actively explore the blue ocean space for toy companies

by:Ennas      2021-12-27

In recent years, my country's toy market has developed rapidly, coupled with the implementation of the two-child policy, so that the consumption potential of the toy market has continued to emerge. According to a survey conducted by the my country Children’s Industry Research Center, 80% of the family’s children’s expenditures account for 30%-50% of the total expenditures. Infant and child consumption has become one of the largest household expenditures. However, not everyone can share this big piece of the Chinese toy market. In the process of rapid growth and maturity of the toy industry, competition among toy companies has also begun to heat up sharply, even to the point where it is heated up. How can we gain a place in the fierce industry competition? Here, the China Toy Fair has built an effective platform for major toy companies. The organizer of the China Toy Fair is the China Toys and Infant Attention Association, which has been established for 30 years. In terms of how to help toy companies achieve long-term development, the organizers of China Toy Fair believe that the focus is on innovation and breakthroughs. Times and events have changed, times have changed, and market consumer demand has also changed. At present, the 'post-80s' and 'post-90s' have entered the peak period of marriage and childbirth, and they have naturally become the main force in the market for baby toys. Moreover, most of this group are only children, have a superior economic growth environment, and have higher requirements for the quality of life, and they also uphold the concept of eugenics and better education in terms of parenting. Therefore, their consumption outlook has become the starting point for the optimization and upgrading of major toy companies. Based on this and other current status of the toy industry, the China Toys and Baby Products Association has made innovative arrangements and plans for the upcoming China Toy Fair in 2017, in order to provide toy companies with new development ideas and open up new blue ocean spaces. . First of all, the China Toy Fair is a strong communication platform. Building a car behind closed doors will eventually push oneself into a dead corner of development. Not only does the China Toy Fair have a wide source of buyers, but also the toy companies and toy brands participating in the exhibition also bring together high-quality brands such as Lego, Hape, Yinhui, and Bangbao. Therefore, the China Toy Fair not only It is an industry exhibition, and it is also a grand feast of industry exchanges. Toy companies participating in the exhibition can have in-depth exchanges with other counterparts, bid on the same platform, and learn from each other's strengths. Secondly, China Toy Fair is still a rich international platform. The international level of China Toy Fair was highlighted at the 15th exhibition last year, and the organizers will further expand the international brand hall at the 16th exhibition. This can help toy companies expand their international horizons, improve their own character, and at the same time obtain newer and more sophisticated development dimensions. In addition to outstanding communication advantages and international advantages, China Toy Fair is also an experienced professional platform. There are not too many soldiers, but there are not many toy fairs in China. However, compared with the toy fairs that have been around in various regions, they will eventually get nothing. It is better to choose a professional exhibition to get twice the result with half the effort. China Toy Fair has a history of 16 years. It is currently the largest in Asia and the industry is also extremely rich in resources. At the exhibition to be held this year, the professionalism of the China Toy Fair is concentrated in the planning of thematic exhibition areas, achieving concentrated visits of buyers of the same product and the same region, reflecting brand differences; tailoring a four-dimensional promotion model for enterprises to ensure revenue; Differentiate exhibitors, take in-depth service as the guide, and improve the quality of exhibitors. With such a guarantee, China Toy Fair can help exhibiting toy companies optimize and consolidate channels, enhance their own influence, and at the same time enhance buyers' confidence in ordering, so that toy exhibitors can obtain new breakthroughs in development from a professional and international perspective.
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