2016 the first yungang international buddhist figurine art festival opening

by:Ennas      2021-09-07
Core tip: datong (on October 22, The reporter Yang xm intern reporter Sun Mingyue) Shared buddhist iconography, unity. October 22nd, jointly organized by the Chinese culture promotion association and datong city government datong (October 22, The reporter Yang xm intern reporter Sun Mingyue) Shared buddhist iconography, unity. October 22nd, jointly organized by the China council for the promotion of cultural and datong government '2016 first international yungang buddhist figurine art exhibition was held in datong and Yang gallery, figurine artist, experts and scholars from all over the world and the central, provincial and municipal government officials gathered in datong, witness the statuettes show Buddhism art cultural event. Perfect figurines boutique, the profound meaning of the modelling art combined with the charm of the ancient capital new and outstanding, the thick autumn comes in a small statue art of storm 'beautiful'. At half past ten in the morning, the east wall culture square held a grand opening ceremony. Datong city council for the promotion of Chinese culture will be approved. Attracted to come to the exhibition of the general audience, life in the artistic atmosphere of datong citizens had served a high level of the country's small statue cultural feast. It is understood that the show is by the China association of figurines home to neutralise them worldwide, after two months of filling, from South Korea, the United States, Russia, Italy, Nepal in 14 countries and regions such as the contestant exhibition, nearly 800 works involved in filling, after art committee expert's consistent intern, a total of 200 pieces of small sculpture, during the exhibition, will be shortlisted for all works on the basis of fair, open, transparent principle for administrator sig gissler, determine the final award, in addition, 'characterized by open content tourism souvenirs' winning entries will be taken are. Figurines in addition, the domestic many famous artists have keen to the exhibition, works in any material, content, methods and spirit are rare at home and abroad. Buddhism will be held during the exhibition, also small peak BBS, small statues statue art exhibitions 3 d printing BBS and other related activities. Exhibition renewal for a month, on October 22 solstice on November 21. Exhibition mainly divided into 'traditional buddhist art sculpture exhibition' and 'contemporary theme art exhibition' two themes, displays include small traditional buddhist sculpture, contemporary figurine works, small yungang theme sculpture, tourism souvenirs, contemporary figurines famous works of five plates. Traditional buddhist art sculpture exhibition aims to small sculpture art, reshape the figurines statues of regional cultural characteristics; Contemporary theme art exhibition aims to fully excavate the contemporary culture idea, through material innovation, innovation of science and technology, art, diversification of means of art development, the use of different countries, different culture background of the art form in time and space dialogue, implementation work, art, talent exchange of all kinds of resources sharing. Ancient datong, known as 'buddhist jinghua', represented by the yungang grottoes and enshrine buddhist propagation far-reaching historical heritage and cultural resources, is an important essence of datong ancient context inheritance. In recent years, datong is embrace the world with new attitude, prospering cultural exchange activities at home and abroad, the exhibition is edge and the rise of cultural industry opportunities, made in the figurines of datong to create a unique cultural card, make datong China figurine art, become renown global arts events and cultural city.
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