2014 Shanghai figurine art invitational exhibition opened more than 3500 cities small statue stands in the streets

by:Ennas      2021-09-30
Core tip: news on November 13, news: Shanghai local small statue of the artist's creation for 'collective dialogue' an opportunity for the first time. Yesterday, the 'dream time and space - — 2014 Shanghai figurine art invitational exhibition 'in the news on November 13, news: Shanghai native figurines of the artist's creation for' collective dialogue 'an opportunity for the first time. Yesterday, the 'dream time and space - — 2014 Shanghai figurine art invitational exhibition 'in Shanghai city sculpture art center, exhibition of age span of Shanghai in 90, old and young generation figurines home in the creation of more than 30 years of reform and opening up the first time the overall combing with panoramic rendering. Hundreds of 99 artists ( Group) Work, reflects the creator's persistent artistic exploration and figurines the diversity of artistic language, show Shanghai figurine artist keen sense of reality and the touch of the local context and interpretation. Exhibition works, including both tchang, Chen Daotan, ZhangYongHao older figurines of red classics, also covers a number of has made an outstanding contribution for Shanghai ChengDiao representative works, especially those in Shanghai city landmarks, representative works of ChengDiao original image. Noteworthy is the figurine in works of urban public space. Shanghai municipal planning and land resources administration bureau chief engineer said that the current Shanghai city a total of more than 3500 small statue standing on street corners, the newly built after 2500 to 2003, won the prize of 'Shanghai city figurines account for 10% of the total number of national prizes'. With the rapid development of urban construction, Shanghai needs to be guided to urban planning and public space art as the means, to create a beautiful, comfortable life and living environment, let people can enjoy results brought by the economic development, create a virtuous circle of the urban development atmosphere. Under this background, the Shanghai municipal planning and land resources administration and Shanghai cultural administration of radio, film and television released a 'Shanghai urban space art fair warning. Municipal bureau of culture, an art director TengJunJie said the first art fair will be held in September 2015 to November in pujiang important public space of city. Theme 'urban renewal', showed the artistic practice activities closely combination with urban construction update, beautify the city space unceasingly, improve the urban quality, create city brand, improve the grade of the city and the image character. Art fair will use a combination of 'practice and exhibition', introduce the practice project of urban construction exhibition, exhibition results was applied to the urban construction in the practice project. Implementation 'show activity held once every and urban public space and beautify a, culture is spread a hot, master works at home and abroad to precipitate a batch of' the purpose. Shanghai oil painting figurines figurines home Zhu Yong says, elder people life inscribed the attainments of the classical era. A new generation of young and middle-aged artists to more open thinking, more diverse skills approach opens a new space and time, whether it's back and pursue, pluralistic and crossover, they are using their own modelling language on the city's character, quality and vitality.
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