1949 - Li Xiaochao 'people 2009 'figurines in poly art museum ( This Mosaic)

by:Ennas      2020-06-17
Core tip: education ( New farmers) Development ( Suona) Reform ( The groom) To prepare ( Wash feet) Victory ( Small proud) Figurine artist Li Xiaochao figurine works '1949 - people The new education (in Beijing 2009' New farmers) Development ( Suona) Reform ( The groom) To prepare ( Wash feet) Victory ( Small proud) Figurine artist Li Xiaochao figurine works '1949 - people 2009 'in poly art museum, Beijing new poly plaza ten layer was carried out. The exhibition organized by poly art museum, China's public relations association, exhibited huashan scenic area management committee, Mr Li Xiaochao for the 60th anniversary of the creation of works '1949 - people 2009 'group, works through since the founding of the 60 statues of ordinary people, showing the new China 60 years remain in people's life, imprinting and 60 years later their living condition, the author with their own unique shaped like a clumsy, emphasizes the freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting technique and artistic appearance, record and song for our great era of change. Academician of Chinese figurines Li Xiaochao Mr Was born in a small mountain village, shaanxi liquan academy after graduation to return to raise his guanzhong rural, long-term thorough xi 'an, xianyang, area of weihe river, the most familiar with him 'hard time emerging' get along for a long time, recorded their life and emotion. Large chahai works completed 2000 'white deer', in Germany, France, the United States, Taiwan and domestic cities held solo exhibition, works by national art museum of China by the museum. The ancient city of xi 'an wild goose pagoda square and ring xiyuan display its more than 20 groups of the guanzhong folk large bronze statue of a small, by 15 of its creation group China weinan state-level non-material cultural heritage theme figurines will also be completed recently, which will become permanent exhibit the authors personal works. It is reported, the 1949 - people Before 2009, 'National Day will take place in Beijing, shenzhen, Shanghai tour. On display in Beijing's poly art museum free time is on August 20, 2009 solstice on September 5.
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