13 top artists nearly 30 pieces of small sculpture at wuhan

by:Ennas      2021-10-09
Core tip: on July 26, 'remake' - Chinese contemporary art exhibition of figurines in wuhan BIG HOUSE center for contemporary art officially kicked off. The exhibition brings together from looking, looking, shi fu and other 13 China on July 26, 'remake' - Chinese contemporary art exhibition of figurines in wuhan BIG HOUSE center for contemporary art officially kicked off. The exhibition brings together from looking, looking, shi fu and other 13 Chinese top figurine artist nearly 30 pieces, is one of the top event of contemporary figurine art. Fu of hope 'in the form of yesterday and today'; Iron, the exhibition of woody ` by BIG HOUSE, founder of the center for contemporary art YiHai Mr. Bear, brought together the hope, in the outlook, fu shi, jiang, proposition, song-tao zhang and so on 13 artists. Fu looked in the form of yesterday and today, looking forward to the fake rock 117 #, Lu Yuanzheng 'all in', shi short pine 11 # and other top figurine works of art are on display in museum. In addition, in order to 'restore' small sculpture art exhibition for the introduction, wuhan will be the first global public solicitation of artists figurine works. According to organizers, the works collection by artist to sign up to participate in, through the network at the same time, the host will be invited to a global artists, widely collect original works. Lu Zheng far 'all in'; White marble of the BIG HOUSE center for contemporary art is currently the only to wuhan city construction as the carrier of the comprehensive museum of art in one hundred, the building was a three layers of composite masonry structure building, designed by the great foreign firm, positive layer has a verandah, central entrance slightly convex, a clock tower. According to introducing, this is the wuchang first textile mill building, in the 1990 s, mills closed, the plant was developed for house, and the old clock tower under more than a man of insight to run for help, finally have survived. Learned, art center for three years before the opening in the renovation, repair process, outside equipped with necessary equipment such as lighting, air conditioning in the largest extent, retained the features of the old building itself and whether the paint peeling wooden stairs or jagged red brick wall, is has a history. BIG HOUSE Mr N. syed, founder of the joint of the contemporary art center, art center officially opened on December 28, 2015, at present, the one hundred building both non-profit art gallery, art space, public art class, and other functions, as well as in central China's largest wine museum of art, combined with the contemporary art form, combining fashion across borders, it is well worth a look at the art gallery. It is reported that this exhibition in two time two galleries, BIG HOUSE art center exhibition will last until August 13, citizen can make an appointment to visit free of charge.
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